TIND Press Releases

UNC Charlotte implements TIND Digital Archive

Written by David Wamstad | March 21, 2025

Charlotte, NC and Oslo, Norway – March 21, 2025. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s digital collections are now migrated to TIND DA, enhancing how the institution preserves and provides access to historical photographs, oral histories, and university records. Migrating from Islandora, this implementation marks a major step in the university’s efforts to provide seamless access to historical and institutional archives for researchers, students, and the public.

Photo: UNC Charlotte
UNC Charlotte’s Goldmine Digital Archive currently holds 11 terabytes of data across more than 25,000 records, documenting the university’s history and the region’s past. The upgraded platform improves discoverability of digital collections through a user-friendly interface, enhanced metadata management, and robust digital preservation tools, delivering a more efficient experience for researchers, students, and library staff.

"TIND has a user-centered interface and will enable significant efficiencies in metadata management," said Elizabeth Seiler, Associate Dean for Special Collections & University Archives at UNC Charlotte. "Scholars, students, and community members seeking primary resources to learn about the history of the university or the region will be able to easily discover and access archives, publications, and oral histories that provide a window into our shared past."

Seiler also highlighted TIND’s strong reputation as a key factor in the university’s decision: “Of all the vendors we considered, TIND had by far the most viable and sustainable platform with the necessary functionalities. The company has a broad community of satisfied clients with an excellent organizational reputation.”

UNC Charlotte’s implementation of TIND DA ensures that its digital collections remain accessible and well-preserved for future generations. The University is also migrating their institutional repository, Niner Commons, to TIND IR and will be launching that updated platform later this spring.

About the UNC Charlotte
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is a public research university in Charlotte, North Carolina. UNC Charlotte offers 24 doctoral, 66 master's, and 79 bachelor's degree programs through nine colleges. It is classified among "R2: Doctoral Universities – High research activity.”

About TIND
TIND is an official CERN spin-off providing commercial library management systems, digital preservation, and research data management solutions based on CERN open-source software. Serving academic, public, and special research libraries around the globe, TIND is headquartered in Oslo, Norway. More info at www.tind.io