Press Releases

The MUNCH Museum goes live on TIND ILS

Released August 30, 2024

Oslo, Norway - August 30, 2024. MUNCH’s research library is now live on TIND ILS. With a modern search experience and advanced cataloging tools, the new system will provide researchers and visitors with a more detailed look into the library’s extensive collection of works related to Edvard Munch.

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MUNCH implementerer TIND ILS

Released August 30, 2024

Oslo, Norway - 30. august, 2024. MUNCHs bibliotek har implementert TIND ILS. "TIND var det beste valget for å fremheve detaljene i samlingen vår”, sier Marthe Samuelsen, Spesialbibliotekar ved MUNCHs bibliotek. TIND ILS vil bidra til å gi forskere og besøkende bedre innsikt i bibliotekets omfattende samling av verk relatert til Edvard Munch.

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The NAV Library goes live on TIND ILS, TIND IR and TIND DA, migrates from Alma

Released April 26, 2024

Oslo, Norway - April 26, 2024. The Library at the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) has implemented TIND ILS as its new library system and successfully migrated from Ex Libris Alma. The library has also implemented TIND IR to manage a growing collection of born-digital material and TIND DA to manage their digitized collections. "TIND is a significantly less complex system than Alma and is a much better fit for smaller libraries like ours”, says Marte Salvesen and Cathrine Fjeldstad, librarians at NAV.

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NAV implementerer TIND ILS, TIND IR og TIND DA

Released April 26, 2024

Oslo, Norway - April 26, 2024. Arbeids- og velferdsbiblioteket ved NAV har innført TIND ILS som sitt nye biblioteksystem, og forlater med det Ex Libris Alma og BIBSYS/UNIT-konsortiet. "TIND er et betydelig mindre komplekst system enn Alma og passer mye bedre for mindre bibliotek som vårt. Konsortiet burde inkludere ulike system som snakker sammen, ikke tvinge alle til å bruke samme system", sier Marte Salvesen og Cathrine Fjeldstad, bibliotekarer ved NAV.

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The University of Southern Indiana selects TIND Digital Archive to host their digital collections

Released March 19, 2024

Oslo, Norway – March 14, 2024. The University of Southern Indiana has selected TIND DA, adding their third TIND product in three years. TIND DA will be integrated into their existing TIND ILS and TIND IR install, further improving discoverability and accessibility to their collections. “Moving our ILS, IR, and DA to a single platform makes perfect sense for both library operations and for the end users.", says Becca Neel, Associate Director for Resource Management & UX. USI will migrate from CONTENTdm.

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MUNCH velger TIND ILS som sitt nye biblioteksystem

Released March 05, 2024

Oslo, Norway – March 4, 2024. MUNCHs forskningsbibliotek har valgt TIND ILS som sitt nye biblioteksystem. “Vi ser frem til å tilby en mer brukervennlig og tidsriktig søkeside for brukerne våre og å få et arbeidsverktøy som gjør biblioteket i bedre i stand til å tilgjengeliggjøre et fullstendig og aktuelt materiale om Edvard Munch.” sier Marthe Samuelsen, Spesialbibliotekar ved MUNCHs bibliotek.

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The MUNCH Museum selects TIND ILS

Released March 04, 2024

Oslo, Norway – March 4, 2024. MUNCH’s research library has selected TIND ILS as its new library system. "We look forward to offering a modern search experience to our users and upgrading to robust cataloging tools for our librarians. TIND ILS will enable us to make available the most complete material about Edvard Munch and contribute to a better understanding of what the collection consists of,” says Marthe Samuelsen, Special Librarian at MUNCH.

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The International Fund for Agricultural Development goes live on TIND ILS

Released June 15, 2023

Rome, Italy and Oslo, Norway – June 10, 2023The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations, has successfully migrated to TIND ILS. Previously operating on Virtua by Innovative Interfaces, IFAD sought a modern and user-friendly system. With a successful transition to TIND ILS, IFAD is equipping its library with modern technology to streamline workflows and better serve its mission of rural development.

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The University of Southern Indiana goes live on TIND Institutional Repository

Released April 28, 2023

Evansville, IN, and Oslo, Norway – April 14, 2023. The University of Southern Indiana (USI) is now live on the TIND Institutional Repository (TIND IR) and has fully integrated TIND IR with its existing TIND ILS install. Running both products in a single platform, USI has improved the discoverability of IR content for library users via catalog and discovery layer searches and established meaningful links between related IR and ILS records.


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The University of Southern Indiana selects TIND Institutional Repository

Released December 16, 2022

Evansville, IN, and Oslo, Norway – December 16, 2022. The University of Southern Indiana (USI) has selected TIND IR, migrating from DSpace. USI has been running TIND ILS for two years and will integrate TIND IR into their existing ILS install. They are looking forward to streamlining access and workflows by moving both IR and ILS into a single platform. “We're excited to follow the continued development of both systems and look forward to further collaboration with TIND," says Becca Neel, Asst. Director for Resource Management & User Experience.

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